Efficiently hashing columns in a pandas dataframe

One of the joys of software development is that small changes can sometimes make solving the same problem orders of magnitude faster. I experienced this recently when implementing a function to generate a hash over multiple columns in a dataframe. Today I’m going to show you how I came up with that solution.

2022-09-18 · 9 min · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Glue Crawlers: No GetObject, No Problem

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/09/glue-crawlers-no-getobject-no-problem.html

2022-09-09 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Waiting for things to happen and paginating responses with boto3

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/06/waiting-for-things-to-happen-and-paginating-responses-with-boto3.html

2022-06-17 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: What is a Quantum Ledger Database?

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/06/what-is-a-quantum-ledger-database.html

2022-06-13 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Enable Autocomplete for boto3 in VSCode

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/05/enable-autocomplete-for-boto3-in-vscode.html

2022-05-31 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/05/getting-a-near-real-time-view-of-a-dynamodb-stream-with-python.html

2022-05-27 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Getting started with testing DynamoDB code in Python

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/05/getting-started-with-testing-dynamodb-code-in-python.html

2022-05-20 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developer's first contact with Golang

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/05/putting-the-database-to-sleep-using-lambda-a-python-developers-first-contact-with-golang.html

2022-05-11 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: Glue Crawlers don't correctly recognize Ion data - here's how you fix that

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/05/glue-crawlers-dont-correctly-recognize-ion-data-heres-how-you-fix-that.html

2022-05-03 · Maurice Borgmeier

AWS-Blog: What is Amazon Ion, and how can I read and write it in Python?

I published a new blog post on the tecRacer AWS Blog: https://www.tecracer.com/blog/2022/04/what-is-amazon-ion-and-how-can-i-read-and-write-it-in-python.html

2022-04-26 · Maurice Borgmeier